Education for Tomorrow

Title Education for Tomorrow AT-CZ
Education for sustainable development, digitalisation, education for sustainable development, virtual classroom, future skills (7c model)
01.07.2023 – 30.06.2026
Funding Program INTERREG VI-A Austria-Czechia 2021-2027
  • Lead: Office of the Lower Austrian Federal Government /AT
  • Board of Education for Vienna, European Office/AT
  • Austrian Friends of Children, Regional office Vienna/AT
  • Institution for Teachers Training and School Service Centre, Ceske Budejovice/CZ
  • Vysočina Education/CZ
  • Educational Institute for Moravia/CZ
  • Lužánky – Leisure Center Brno/CZ
  • South Moravian Centre for International Mobility, Brno/CZ
Strategic Partners
  • Board of Education for Lower Austria/AT
  • Board of Education for Upper Austria, Department of Elementary education /AT

Short description:

The eTOM AT-CZ project uses in synergy with the projects eTOM AT-HU & eTOM SK-AT the 7c model to focus on the skills that are essential to strengthening our children and young people in an “Education for Tomorrow”: digital competence paired with collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication, culturality and contextual competence.

If young people are to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for the education of tomorrow, it must also be ensured that teachers have the necessary qualifications: Cross-border training programmes as well as teaching materials will be developed in both languages and published on the eTOM platform.
The participating primary schools from Vienna will be equipped with digital boards in order to strengthen pupils’ digital skills in the form of a ‘virtual classroom’. The workshop series ‘The digital board in the classroom’ will provide teachers with specific knowledge for the optimal use of digital boards in lessons and for a virtual cross-border exchange.
Other project activities include job shadowing in Czech schools and Austrian schools, cross-border DigiChallenges and the exchange of experiences through project events in Vienna and the Czech Republic.

Offers & activities for Viennese schools (grades 1-4):

  • 2 cross-border conferences ‘Children talk about education’ and ‘Education for tomorrow’
  • 24 primary schools from Vienna are equipped with a digital board (SMART GX186, 86 inches), incl. video-conference system
  • 36 workshops ‘The digital board in the classroom’ for teachers from the equipped primary schools
  • 8 DigiChallenges for the Austrian and Czech project schools incl. cross-border school partnerships
  • 2 study excursions for teachers and headmasters to exchange expertise across borders.
  • 2 cross-border lectures on the topic of ‘Microgardens at school’ corresponding laboratory for the participating schools
  • 1 network leadership meeting on the topic of basic digital education in schools and kindergartens
  • 1 digital platform with newly developed and tested teaching materials and eLectureson the 7c model