DigiMe AT-CZ
Program | CBC Interreg V-A Österreich – Tschechische Republik |
Project name |
DigiMe – Digitale und mediale Kompetenz bei SchülerInnen und LehrerInnen |
Project acronym |
DigiMe |
Projekt partners |
LP – Bildungsdirektion für Wien (AT) PP2 – Vysočina Education PP3 – Freizeitzentrum Lužánky, PP4 – Wirtschaftsagentur |
Strategic partners |
Österreichische Computergesellschaft – OCG (AT) SecurityHub Austria / DigitalCityWien / CSA CyberSecurityAustria Wien (AT) Wiener Bildungsserver (AT) Technische Universität Wien, Fakultät für Informatik (AT) Masaryk Universität in Brünn, Südmähren (CZ) Moravian Science Centre Brünn, Südmähren (CZ) UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH (AT) fit4internet – Verein zur Steigerung der digitalen Kompetenz in Österreich (AT) |
Project duration |
Okt.2019 – Sep.2022 |
The aim of the project is to optimally prepare students for the requirements of future job profiles (for instance, girls are particularly in demand in technical professions) by initiating and stimulating student interest in technology. This will be backed up by a workshop package that provides teachers with the necessary tools to teach their students the required digital and programming skills. An eLearning platform with worksheets and video tutorials make it easier for teachers to prepare lessons.
Also the cross-border exchange of pupils and teachers through excursions and internships, as well as school partnerships will enable long-term cooperation between AT-CZ schools in the field of digital education.