EdTWIN – Education Twinning
Program | INTERREG SK-AT , INTERREG AT-CZ, INTERREG AT-HU Creating the future – Programm zur grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit Slowakei-Österreich 2007-2013 European Territorial Co-operation Austria-Czech Repulblik 1007-2013 Creating the future – Programm zur grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation Österreich-Ungarn 2007-2013 |
Project name |
Education Twinning |
Project acronym |
Project partners |
Stadtschulrat für Wien, Europa Büro (A) Bratislavský samosprávny kraj (SK) Středisko služeb školám Brno (CZ) Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem Apáczai Csere János Kar, Györ (HU) |
Project duration | 2009-2011 |
EdTWIN (Education Twinning) was an EU-part financed educational initiative led by the European Office of the Vienna Board of Education to foster sustainable development in the Centrope Region.
The goal of the project was to prepare pupils and teachers for life and work in Centrope. It was implemented together with partners from Brno, Bratislava, Györ/Moson and Sopron. The goal was reached through a variety of possibilities for reciprocal encounters and cooperation. A mainstay was the various activities and courses that were offered in order to learn the languages of the neighbours.
Old borders must be replaced by new ways of working so that cross-border cooperation becomes the new norm of the future.
Grenzlos kompetent 6-sprachig
Begegnungen Auswertung
Sprachenportfolio Primarstufe
Documentary film
Teaching materials
Lehrbuch slowakisch
Slovencina CD1
Slovencina CD2
Methodologie zum Handbuch
Technisches Museum Brno
Lehrbuch ungarisch