EdGATE – Education Gate

Project name
Education Gate
Project acronym
Project partners
Vienna Board of Education, European Office (AT)
School of Education, University of Edinburgh (UK)
Cracow Pedagogical University (PL)
Federal Ministry of Education and Science, Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH)
Office for Education and Sport, City of Zagreb (HR)
Department of Education, City Assembly of Belgrade (SCG)
School Inspectorate of the County of Calarasi (RO)
Open & Distance Learning Centre, Calarasi (RO)
Main Education and Science Board, Kiev City State Administration (UA
Ministry of Education, Science and Cultural Affairs, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania (DE)
Institute for School and Further Education, Mecklenburg- West Pomerania (DE)
State Institute for Schools, Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE)
Project duration 07/2004-11/2007