Education for Tomorrow

Title Education for Tomorrow AT-HU
Education for sustainable development, Making & Tinkering, 3D print, future skills (7c model)
10.02.2024 – 31.01.2027
Funding Program INTERREG VI-A Austria-Hungary 2021-2027
  • Lead: Office of the Lower Austrian Federal Government /AT
  • Pannon Business Network Association (PBN)/HU
  • University of Sopron/HU
  • Board of Education for Vienna, European Office/AT
  • Austrian Friends of Children, Regional office Vienna/AT
  • Office of the Burgenland Federal Government /AT
  • Graz University of Technology – MINKT Labor/AT
Strategic Partners
  • School District Office Soproni Tankerületi Központ/HU
  • Board of Education for Lower Austria/AT
  • Central Library Wiener Neustadt/AT
  • University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt /AT
  • ELTE Savaria University/HU
  • University Real Estate Company Innovation Lab/AT
  • City Administration Hévíz/HU

Short description:

The eTOM AT-HU project uses in synergy with the projects eTOM AT-CZ & eTOM SK-AT the 7c model to focus on the skills that are essential to strengthening our children and young people in an “Education for Tomorrow”: digital competence paired with collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication, culturality and contextual competence.
As a complement to its eTOM synergy projects, the project focuses on the area of “Making & Tinkering”. To this end, the participating Viennese secondary schools will be equipped with modern 3D printers and will receive in-depth knowledge for optimal use in teaching in the workshop series “The 3D printer in the classroom”. The overarching maker concept will be developed jointly by Austrian and Hungarian partners in the project partnership. Methodological and didactic materials will be developed in both languages and published on the eTOM platform.

Offers & activities for Viennese schools (grades 5-8):

  • Equipping 25 Viennese secondary schools with two 3D printers & accessories each.
  • Creation of a maker concept and a knowledge transfer concept based on cross-border exchange
  • 36 workshops “The 3D printer in the classroom” for teachers of the equipped schools and Hungarian educators
  • 1 digital platform with newly piloted teaching materials & eLectures on the 7c model
  • 1 international symposium in Baden
  • 1 specialist excursion to Budapest for international exchange and know-how transfer