Programm EaSi Progress Axis – Call for proposals VP/2016/015
Fast track integration into the labor market for third country nationals
targeting exclusively asylum seekers, refugees and their family members
Projekt Name
FAB – Fast Track Action Boost
Projekt Akronym
Projekt Partner
Commune di Milano (CDM), Direzione Politiche Sociali, Relazioni Internazionali,
Direzione Economia Urbana, Lavoro
Agenzia Metropolitana per la formazione l’orientamento e il lavoro (AFOL Metropolitana)
Agencia para el Empleo de Madrid (AEM)
MetropolisNet EEIG (EWIV)
Institut für sozialökonomische Strukturanalysen GmbH (SÖSTRA)
Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales (SenIntArbSoz)
Bildungsdirektion für Wien, Vienna Board of Education (EUB)
City of Stockholm, Labour Market Administration (AmF)
Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (MoLEVSA)
Projekt Dauer 01.02.2018 – 30.04.2021

   Zusatz Fördergeber: Co-funded by EaSI ( The European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation)