Projektakronym InnoSchool
Förderung des sozialen Innovations- und UnternehmerInnengeistes von SchülerInnen der Sekundarstufe durch ein innovatives Lernmodell
Priorität PA1. Innovative und sozial verantwortliche Donauregion
Zielsetzung SO1.2 Kompetenzen für UnternehmerInnentum und soziale Innovationen erhöhen
Gesamtbudget 1.873.604,00 EUR (ERDF)
Projektdauer 09/2018 – 02/2022 (42 Monate)
Lead Partner DEX Innovation Center

Project partnership
(11 partner institutions from 9 regions)

The partnership is well-composed as far as innovation performance is concerned: 1 ‘strong innovator country’ (AT); 4 ‘moderate innovator countries’ (CZ, SK, HU, SRB); 2 ‘modest innovator countries’ (RO, BG) + BiH and MDA (Rating according to the European Innovation Scoreboard).

Lead Partner DEX Innovation Centre (CZ)

ERDF PP1 Business Incubator – Gotse Delchev, Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre (BG)
ERDF PP2 The European Center for Socio Professional Integration ACTA (RO)
ERDF PP3 Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)
ERDF PP4 Vienna Board of Education, European Office (AT) 
ERDF PP5 Technical University of Kosice (SK)
ERDF PP6 Regional Department of Education in Blagoevgrad (BG)
ERDF PP7 Centre for Resources and Educational Assistance of Bihor County (RO)

IPA PP1 Agency for economic development of Municipality Prijedor “PREDA-PD” (BIH)
IPA PP2 Regional Agency for Development and European Integration Belgrade (SRB)
ENI MD PP1 FACLIA – Association for Children and Youth (MDA)

Apart from the 11 project partners the consortium also has 6 associated strategic partners:
ASP1 Regional Authority of Liberec Region (CZ)
ASP2 Vocational Training Center, Székesfehérvár (HU)
ASP3 Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Srpska (BIH)
ASP4 Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development (SRB)
ASP5 Kosice Self-governing Region (SK)
ASP6 Ungheni Education Directorate (MDA)

The singularity of the learning system lies in its innovative and pupil-centred components:

  • Learning by playing through an online environment that simulates social innovation and entrepreneurship challenges. This will be combined with face-to-face classroom teaching units, interspersed with times for reflection which will lead to an experiential-based learning process.

  • A social media competition for schools will ensure added attractivity to the learning system.

The development of the system will be the result of an intensive exchange and learning process between the partners and other important stakeholders and players through advisory and focus groups with pupils, teachers, representatives from industry and social institutions, NGOs and political bodies.

The InnoSchool learning system will consist of the following core elements:

  • Learning by playing though online simulation

  • Teacher manual explaining the InnoSchool learning system

  • Trainings material for multipliers

  • Evaluation through pupil questionnaires

By autumn 2020, the learning system will be piloted in upper secondary schools in all of the project regions, including Vienna.
Among others, the pilot study will concentrate on the attitudes and competences of the pupils involved in the pilot regarding three key competences necessary in social innovation enterprise:

  • Awareness of social topics

  • Improving specific abilities

  • Acquired entrepreneurial competences

In order to ensure the sustainability of the learning system in schools an action plan will be developed within two years after project lifetime.

In summing up, InnoSchool fulfils three tasks:

  • To ensure the attractivity and impact of the learning system

  • To teach and strengthen pupil competences

  • To incorporate the learning system in classroom teaching