Future Jobs in Innovation & Technology

Title Future Jobs in Innovation & Technology
Educational and career orientation, career management, future professions, choice of career and educational path
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026
Funding Program INTERREG VI-A Austria-Czechia 2021-2027
  • Lead: Vienna Business Agency/AT
  • Board of Education for Vienna, European Office/AT
  • Educational Institute for Moravia, Brno/CZ
  • Vysočina Education, Jihlava/CZ
  • South Bohemian Chamber of Commerce, České Budějovice/CZ
Strategic Partners
  • The Chamber of Labour Vienna /AT
  • Federation of Austrian Industries, JI Vienna/AT
  • Institute of Science and Technology Austria/AT

Short description:

The JOBITY project supports young people in their educational and career choices and raises their awareness of future employment opportunities in technological and innovative sectors (e.g. GreenTech).
In the course of the project, supportive educational measures are created for career orientation in schools, taking into account current developments in labour and vocational training.
Cross-border activities in Vienna, South Bohemia, Vysočina and South Moravia contribute to the exchange of experience and new partnerships.

Offers & activities for Viennese schools (grades 7-9):

  • 200 Career orientation workshops for pupils
  • 60 Coaching sessions for pupils (individually or in small groups)
  • 4 Good practice workshops on future jobs for teachers
  • 1 Good practice method collection for teachers
  • 1 Tool set about future jobs: 20 videos with role models and innovations from companies
  • Equipping 15 Viennese pilot schools with a digital board, including training for teachers
  • 4 Austrian-Czech school partnerships with visits from both sides