Program | Interreg V-A 2014-2020 |
Project name |
Competence-OrienteD Education for Elementary Schooling in the cross-border Region AT-HU |
Project acronym |
Project duration | 01.09.2018 – 31.08.2021 |
Project partners AT
Strategic partners:
Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Austrian Library Association, „Knowledge Factory” –Austria, House of Mathematics, Board of Education in Lower Austria
Project partners HU
Strategic partners:
Education District Center of Nagykanizsa, Educational District Centre of Sopron, Education District Center of Szombathely, Education District Center of Sárvári, Education District Center of Zalaegerszeg
Therefore the overarching goal of CODES is to systematically build up cross-border cooperation between educational institutions in order to achieve a positive change to this base line situation. This will already start at primary school in order to continuously strengthen these key competencies among pupils.
The planned approach is to develop and implement a sustainable overall package for primary school teachers in grades 1-4 (pupils: 6 to 10 years old) in close cooperation with educational institutions in the programme region.
This is characterized by three activities:
1. Establishment of regional information and advice centers as part of the cross-border network,
2. Development & piloting of competence-oriented teaching materials,
3. Educational programmes for primary school teachers and trainings for multipliers
14. Dezember 2018, 12:00 Uhr
„Competence-OrienteD Education for Elementary Schooling in the cross-border Region AT-HU“
Ort: Bildungsdirektion für Wien Wipplingerstraße 28, 1010 Wien (Festsaal)
– Einleitung und Begrüßung
– Impulse zum Thema Grundkompetenzen
– Kurzvorstellung Projekt CODES und der beteiligten Projektpartner
– Dialog und Ausklang bei einem vorweihnachtlichen Mittagsbuffet
15:00 Uhr: Ende der Veranstaltung