DigiUp 4.0
Program | INTERREG V-A AT-HU 2014-2020 |
Project name |
Upskilling digitaler Kompetenzen von Jugendlichen um Fachkräftemangel der Industrie 4.0 entgegenzuwirken |
Project acronym |
DigiUp 4.0 |
Project partners |
Bildungsdirektion für Wien (AT) Berufsförderungsinstitut Burgenland (AT) Pannon Novum Nyugat-Dunántúli Regionális Innovációs Nonprofit Kft. (Pannon Novum West-Transdanubische Regionale Innovations-Non-Profit GmbH.) (HU) Nagykanizsai Szakképzési Centrum (Fachausbildungszenter Nagykanizsa) (HU) Vas Megyei Önkormányzati Hivatal (Selbstregierungsamt vom Komitat Vas) (HU) |
Project duration |
33 months – April 2020 – December 2022 |
Information and communication technologies are core competences that are needed for the Viennese economy (Digital Agenda Wien 2025). The study ‘Industry 4.0 in the Burgenland’ confirms that measures to support digitalisation would stop a migration of industry and out-migration of qualified workers. Similarity, studies focussing on the industrial future of West-Transdanubia (GYMSKIK) clearly show a need for digitalisation.
The overall project goal is to prepare young people (age group 12-24) for apprenticeship training and the necessary up-skilling that will needed for the job market. This goal also includes improving the image of apprenticeship training in general, raising awareness regarding future professions where there will a lack of a qualified workforce and facilitating cross-border exchange.
The target group is “digital natives” (Prensky, 2001) i.e. young people who have grown up with digital tools and media. A specific method of career guidance is needed to tune into the mindset and learning habits of this target group. Therefore, the DigiUp 4.0 project aims at bringing the world of industry nearer to young people through career guidance and training encouraging them to attain the digital competences that will be needed. In this way, a contribution will be made to providing a qualified workforce for Industry 4.0.
The innovative core outputs include the implementation of Knowledge Hubs connected in a cross-border network where together with project stakeholders new forms of career guidance will be developed and implemented. The new initiative will consist of a needs analysis of future qualification requirements, a ‘serious game’ to engage the young people in the topic, trainer workshops as well as career guidance workshops for the target group.